Pregled reševalnih padal-Rescue parachute repacking

datum: 01.02.2017

za pregled reševalnih padal je z najugodnejšo ponudbo izbran TomatoSport iz Nove Gorice
For the rescue parachute repacking activity has been chosen TomatoSport from Nova Gorica.

Preglede reševalnih padal bodo začeli  6.2.2017. Rezerve s sedežem  naj bi jim dostavili v dveh delih oz. odvisno od števila. Predlagam, da sedeže dostavite do konca tedna prej me še pokličite, da se dogovorimo za oddajo. Ko zberem dovolj materjala za prvi termin vas bom obvestil, zato spremljajte forum, da se dogovorimo za naprej.

Lp, Jože Vidmar  gsm: 051 270 456


The rescue parachute checkup will start from February 6th. The club has to deliver the harnesses with the reserve in two or more tranches, depending on it's number.

I would suggest you bring me your harness until the end of the week (call me first in order to arrange the delivery). Once enough harnesses will be gathered I will post it here; so check the site for knowing when the next tranche will be.

Regards, Samo Božic 00386 41 502 424